Starting a puppy on RawChoice is easy. First, start by figuring out how much do you need to feed your puppy. This depends on the age and the anticipated body weight. You can use our calculator ( or use the following general guideline:
8 weeks to 16 weeks: Anticipated Adult Weight x 2%
16 weeks to 9 months: Anticipated Adult Weight x 2.5%
6 months to 18 months (high energy breeds only): Anticipated Adult Weight x 3%
Example 1:
Anticipated adult weight: 50 lbs
8 week puppy – 50 x 2% = 1lb per day (up to 16 weeks)
16 week puppy – 50 x 2.5 % = 1.25 lb per day
6 month old (highly active) = 50 x 3% = 1.5 lb per day
Example 2:
Anticipated Adult Weight: 80 lbs
8 Week old Puppy – 80 lbs x 2% = 1.5 lbs per day
16 Week old Puppy – 80 lbs x 2.5% = 2 lbs per day
6 Month Old – 80 lbs x 3% = 2.5 lbs per day
The amount determined would be divided into 2 or 3 equal meals. We recommend transitioning your puppy on RawChoice to 2 meals per day between 8 – 16 weeks of age.
We recommend starting your puppy on RawChoice with a rotation of the following:
- Chicken+ (feed for 3-4 days)
- Breeder’s Blend (feed for 3-4 days)
- Beef+ (feed for 3-4 days)
Chicken is the first choice as it is a simple protein and easy to digest compared to beef or lamb, which contains more complex organs as well and may cause the stools to be loose.
The big day: Switching from kibble/dry food to RawChoice
The easiest way is to fast the puppy for 1 meal or overnight. For example, if you were starting with RawChoice the following day, you would feed breakfast today, skip dinner tonight and offer the first RawChoice Chicken+ meal tomorrow the first thing in the morning. Fasting hits two birds with one stone: first creating hunger and therefore avoiding any fussy behavior or resistance. Second: emptying the digestive tract which will minimize the odds of loose stools.
Feeding the food at room temperature (IMPORTANT)
Feed your puppy RawChoice at room temperature for the first week at least. If fed too cold and eaten to quickly, your dog may have trouble digesting and even possibly throw it up. Most dogs can tolerate cold raw food 2 weeks after transitioning.
Thawing RawChoice products:
Our vacuum packed packages thaw quickly at room temperature (2-4 hrs) and overnight in the fridge.
Safe Handling of Food:
Simple steps to keep in mind are to wash hands, utensils, and bowls after serving with hot water. We also recommend serving RawChoice meals in a ceramic or stainless steel bowl. Food once thawed is best used within 3 days.
Please also refer to this post on food safety and raw dog food: